Sunday, April 12, 2009

The Meadow's Ball

Oh, how she danced! Her skirts glided through the air as her legs blurred into the horizon. No one cared about the difference between her vibrant steps and soaring through the air; they all looked the same to them. The sun swept down to meet her, leading her through a wild dance filled with youthful innocence. He even left tiny little kisses of light all over the curls in her hair. Even the wind blew by, curious to see what the fuss was about. No one knew exactly what the sun and the girl danced to, perhaps the song in her heart.

And so the daisies gossipped about her, and the dandelions chimed in here and there, but she didn't seem to care. The clouds looked down on the dance disapprovingly from above , and a few threatened to ruin the whole thing with a few drops of rain. Something told them the sun would be more disappointed than his dancing partner.

She seemed eager to dance with just about anyone who could keep up with her. Perhaps the rain wouldn't be so clumsy after all. Wild danced didn't need specific partners, or a particular beat; they just needed willing feet.

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