Sunday, February 15, 2009

Mary Had a Little Lamb

Mary had a little lamb, and don't you dare forget it. They say it had wool as white as snow, but I know better. Really, this lamb was a fiend, a most despicable creature. Poor, dear, Mary had spoiled it to breaking. Of course, she couldn't be told that, for she'd just shrug it off with a cute, lamb-like smile and a swish of her earthy curls.

This lamb, you see, would never do what it was told. On the contrary, this lamb would always be following Mary to school when it should have stayed home. Every school knows a playground is no place for a lamb, but Mary's lamb didn't seem to care much for tradition.

In day the lamb ran off completely, and Mary looked everywhere for the little lamb, but could not find it. Apparently the lamb had joined a terrorist organization, and was plotting something dangerous, but Mary missed her lamb terribly. Thankfully for the rest of us, the lamb was caught, tried, and proven guilty. Poor Mary was considered by the Judge to be an accessory to the plot, and they locked her up too.

Mary spends her days with her precious lamb in a high security prison, and she still has a little lamb...or a sheep, and don't you forget it.


  1. I like it. literal/modern interpretations of old songs/fairy tales are usually a good time.

  2. What can I say? It needed an update.
