Saturday, April 11, 2009

Light vs. Shadow, a Landmark Case

Everyone knows a shadow

Makes the light stand out more.

And so, one day, the shadow sued the light

For taking all the credit.

And so they went to court,

The shadow represented by a real shark,

And the light a real saint.

In the judgement seat sat the Great Judge Dr. Prism,

Who sent a lot of wayward rays to prison.

They presented their case, and Dr. Prism listened,

And meanwhile the sweat on the Light's face glistend.

And the hours passed, and finally,

Dr. Prism decided the case,

The excitement showed on every one's face.

He read his findings out loud to the court

The shades gathered round, and made a great sport.

And finally, the world knew, that the light had won,

And the shadow was shown to be a crank.

Light cried so hard, and his brightness caught his tears,

For fear of staining the wooden benches.

But you see, the brightness missed a bit,

And the light fell through the cracks of the tears,

And a thousand pieces of color fell all over the air,

And that my child, is how the rainbow was born.

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