Tuesday, August 11, 2009

With Ketchup

Slaying dragons really isn't all it's cracked up to be. First off, they smell terrible. Just one whiff of dragon's breath makes my stomach do somersaults and my head feel funny. It's difficult to even approach them, because their skin does little to block the heat burning inside.

They're difficult to reach too. Dragons tend to chose nests at the bottom of canyons, at the fard end of caves, or my least favorite: mountain tops. By the time I reach the dragon, I'm nearly too exhausted to fight. But at that point, it's kind of too late to turn back. And so I entered the 'dragon's lair', as it were.

Did I mention they're mind readers? I never dare think of anything but the dragon and its scales. If I thought about my fair maiden, the dragon would surely attack her when he'd finished with me. If I thought too much about the fight itself, surely the dragon would know my attacks before I made them. But I should avoid not thinking at all...for that would have surely lead to my certain death.

As for the reward, I'll just call it awkward. I mean...I'll call her awkward. Marrying the princess sounded like a wonderful idea...until I married her.

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