They sat in chairs next to each other, with their hands reaching behind them. Neither said much with their mouths. Both prefered to speak with their eyes. One glanced about the room, unsure of his situation and the consequences of it. The other stared straight ahead, too numb to care. He fiddled with his hands, ignoring the feel of the metallic cuffs on them.
The light above their heads flashed on, and they heard a sharp click to their left. One turned to look, the other ignored the clicking boots on the concrete floor. Within a few steps two pairs of black shoes stopped in front of them. A voice coughed gruffly to get attention from one, while the other didn't need prodding.
Eventually they both glanced up to see cold eyes. The eyes glanced back, expectantly, though they never seemed to recieve anything in turn. Mouths on the visitors' faces moved, but the mouths on the faces on the bodies bound to the chairs stayed firmly closed. They knew it would only take a little prying.
It seemed strange, being forced to talk when they had been punished for speaking out in the first place. They didn't dare speak now, for fear that more would come to join them. They had to protect the others, so they could speak out loud. One seem resigned to the fact that he may never speak again, while the other seemed terrified.
One of the interrogators reached into his pocket and pulled out a knife, and the light flashed off of the blade. In that flash they saw their entire lives for a second, and then the it. vanished.
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