Monday, August 30, 2010
Summer Night
as the sun sank into orange sherbert.
Your lips met mine,
and my arms were too heavy to hold me.
My spirit floated with the clouds,
and drifted back down in sunlit rays
to pick you up and carry you with me.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Post Card
I hope you are doing well. I've been really busy with my new friends. They took me to Silver Falls last week, and yesterday they took me up to the Governor's office while he was away. My friends said that Mr. Governor would be honored if I sat in his office chair. And so I did! My friends took pictures, and they helped me paper clip it to the back of this letter.
I miss you a lot, and I promise to come home someday, but I wanna see more of the world before I stand in your front lawn and watch cars go by.
Your Garden Gnome Ithamar
Monday, August 23, 2010
The Line between Sunshine and Moonshine
like milk to sour cream.
The volume turns up on your inner stereo,
as if every word is worth blurting out.
Your words flip like your moods,
like the second hand on a broken clock
You are heavier than lead in the paperweight you ignore.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Soverign Flies: A Manifesto
Monday, August 16, 2010
wearing a gold dress that's long since faded to pale.
Someday, she hopes
he will abandon his lily pad
for his crown,
and his fur for his own skin.
That he'll trade his pumpkin
for a carriage,
and his ass for a horse.
But the spell hasn't broken,
and she's still left with straw
instead of gold.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Teddy goes to the doctor
It was a routine surgery, but it still required utmost patience in preparation. The surgeon wired the thread through the needle in the sewing machine, and inserted the spool at the top. She checked to make sure the machine was plugged in, and switched on the built-in light. Pressing her foot on the peddle, she moved Teddy's broken arm underneath the needle.
The machine growled to life, and the needle went up and down and up and down until Teddy had sixteen stitches. Fortunately, Teddy wouldn't need any physical therapy, but his best friend Kyle would have to be careful with his right arm. It wouldn't take much to ruin the sixteen stitches in green fur.
Monday, August 9, 2010
and I let your soul fly to heaven like a dove,
but do you mind if I
carry a piece of your spirit around with me?
I'll keep it in my left pocket,
and take it out when I need your backbone,
I need your smile,
need your laughter.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Food for Thought
What do they keep in those back rooms downtown? Those rooms always seem bigger than necessary, and mostly empty. Perhaps the owners of the coffee shop live there, but they insist on hiding the furniture upstairs. Or maybe, at night, they drag in the comfy couches from the shop decor, and sleep on them (as well as the lamps.) That's why they serve coffee you know. It takes nearly all night for them to move the furniture; they hardly get any sleep.
I found a bike in one, with empty stalls. The stalls may or may not have had curtains. What does a coffee shop need dressing rooms for? If you whisper the password with your order, will they give you a costume to try on? Is it frappuchino? No place seems to serve them, and Starbucks doesn't have back rooms.
Monday, August 2, 2010
the match,
strike it hard,
light a blaze,
a supernova,
watch it shine,
glimmer and kill,
and watch it create