Sunday, May 26, 2013

Dream Diary Entry #4

Finally! I had a dream on a weekend morning/night! I actually had multiple dreams, but I'm choosing just to write about one. If your curious, the other dream was about me nuzzling and kissing one of my celebrity crushes. That's about all I'll say about that. *Ahem.*

I can't remember the exact reason my roommates and I went back to my old house in Keizer, but there we were, in my old bedroom. Shockingly, the closet was full of old, treasured items of mine, like my childhood teddy bear, beach toys, and a box full of ribbons and beads. My bed, which currently resides in my new apartment, was also there in my room, though it had been stripped down to the sheets.

Taking the items I wanted, I allowed my roommates to go through everything else. That was when I heard my dad from the other room. What in the world is he doing here? I thought as I walked into the master bedroom. There he was, sprawled across his bed, in a fully furnished room, as if he had never moved out.

"Why are you taking all your stuff?" My dad looked up at me from his pillow.

"Just picking up some things left behind from the move." How on earth I managed to leave so much behind the first time, I had no idea.

"Why don't you leave it here?"

"Are you staying?" I blinked. I thought he had moved out when I did.

"Carol's offering to help with rent." For some reason, this referred to a friend of his, and not my aunt.

Suddenly I wondered if they were more than friends. I also remembered that this house was empty the last time I stopped by, and that my old roommate had moved all my things for me when I was out of the country. And then I woke up.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Dream Diary #3

Another speed post. I have a bad habit of forgetting to record my dreams until I only have ten minutes to write them.

I left my job as a hostess at a restaurant a week ago, and so of course, I would start having a new kind of nightmare about them. Before, when I would dream about that job, it was all about the restaurant's layout changing rapidly and swarms of customers at the door. One dream even featured a multi-layered floor plan that changed every few seconds. 

In this dream, however, I opened my eyes and I was walking through the restaurant in mid morning. They were starting to get busy, but that's not what I noticed. It seemed that all the employees had changed in a matter of one week. I only recognized the manager and the owners. The manager guided me to the office, which had somehow shrunk while I was gone. Now, it was even more of an oversize closet.

"I need you to print out some shift sheets and the waiting list." My manager said with her hand on my shoulder, before she walked out.

No problem, I thought as I logged into the computer. Another thing had changed: instead of the computer desk being on my right as I entered the office, it now faced the door. Who knows what happened to the safe that used to be in its place. The operating system had changed too, and it was nothing I recognized. It looked more like a badly designed advertisement game for some fast food company than an OS. More and more of the owners piled into the office to give me advice on how to use the computer, and so did the hosts and servers. By the end of my dream, the office had turned into a clown car.

I soon realized I no longer worked at this restaurant, and then I woke up.